You made it to the end of the 25 day fitness calendar!!! I have really enjoyed coming up with non food related treats to get us ready for the holidays. I have had alot of people tell me when am I going to start putting up some Inspired by Vu fitness videos! Well that is certainly on the cards for 2016!! To kick things off for the new year, I wanted to alert you to the first Bring your Bestie and Workout. It's going to be 2 hours of fitness fun and the emphasis really is just that - having fun with fitness with your friends! All levels are welcome and there will be some prizes on the day too!!
Can you do the Frankie Slide?
It's no secret that I am a fan of any slide type of dance - from the Electric Slide to the Makerena!! So Today's fitness treat is one of my favourite new slides that I spotted on You Tube a while ago. There are 6 easy moves which you can make your own and definitely perform on any dance floor!! Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!