How the Challenge Works
We will be working out in 20 second intervals and 10 seconds of rest. So in total, it should take 20mins to complete the whole workout. The poster on the left highlights all the key exercises which you can print or download. As you can see, we will be using dumbbells (DB) for this one. You are also going to need an interval timer to keep you on track. There are lots of free ones online to choose from (I use the Interval Timer app for android phones).
Strength training is important for all of us regardless of our fitness goals or age. As a minimum, the recommendations for strength training activities is at least twice a week. So for the rest of this month, I would like to challenge you to try out the February challenge.
If you don't have any weights at home, you can grab a set at your local supermarket or sports store. Or you can use a resistance band or pick up some heavy cans in your pantry, whilst you are getting started, so there are NO EXCUSES!! I have uploaded a short video which demonstrates the
I would love to see how you are getting on, so please tag me in some of your pictures and don't forget to share the love by challenging your friends to do the same!