I am writing this blog post marathon and I made it through to the other side!! I have to say that there definitely comes a time in the race when it becomes a psychological battle. When muscles one by one begin to tell you that they have given up, it is very tempting to just stop. BUT, I am so thankful for the support of family, friends and general spectators who can see the anguish on your face and keep encouraging you all the way. To actually here your name being called on route definitely was an energy boost in itself.
As we come to the end of the 40 day vegan series, it is a good time to reflect back to Day 1 and think about your original goal - was it to explore a plant based lifestyle (whether it was just for one meal, one day or one week)? or to become more physically active? I am sure that you were met with challenges on the way and also tempted with opportunities to give up, but you made it to Day 40!!
I hope you have found the tips and ideas useful along the way? Watch this space, we will definitely be adding some more helpful features of the Inspired by Vu site!!
Vusi xXx