The video below summarises how the challenge works, but in a nutshell, I will be sharing my 7 essential tips that will help to improve your overall health from the inside out.
Who is the challenge for?
Pretty much EVERYONE!! The foundation of this challenge involves starting from scratch, which means ditching the processed foods and grains and enjoying wholesome plant based meals. So no cereals, pasta, bread, cookies - pretty much anything in a box on a tin!!
What's wrong with processed foods?
Well a majority of processed foods are filled with either too much salt, sugar, fat or all of the above. It has been well documented recently the effects of overeating in children and adults due to the convenience culture we have. Now although grains, cereals and legumes (lentils, beans etc) are also processed foods, they can be the cause of digestive discomfort, especially those suffering with IBS symptoms. So on this challenge, we are going to take a break from these foods and enjoy the wealth of fruits, vegetables and nuts (if you do not have any allergies) that the earth has to offer!
Is this a weight loss diet?
Not strictly, in fact, I don't even focus on weight loss, because that is something that will come anyway from following all of the tips covered in the 7 days. You you WILL see a difference in your energy levels, your digestive system, your sleep and your skin. So that is why it's more than just a weight loss challenge.
So what can I eat?
You have the creative license to prepare any plant based meal that you like, as long as it doesn't contain anything processed. You can modify some of your favourite winter warmers to make it challenge friendly, from shepherds pie to vegan bolognese. So it might mean a little more peeling and chopping in the kitchen, but the end result is going to be a tasty meal.
When does the challenge begin?
Whenever you are ready! All the short coaching videos will be sent to you each day over the challenge, so it doesn't matter where in the world you are and you don't have to go anywhere to get started. All I ask is for you to let me know how you get on. I have previously completed this challenge and honestly it was just the kickstart that I needed!!
Looking forward to hearing from you!!