We live in a world where we have so many influencers in our lives that it becomes a struggle just being "me".
If that wasn't the case, then the media would not be making money out of promoting the latest "how to get a body like ________________(insert celebrity of choice)". Now I'm not saying there is anything wrong with getting inspiration from people, but if it is to the point that we want to be anything but ourselves, then Houston we have a problem!
As a fitness trainer I am committed to inspiring people to enjoy the journey as they go through their body transformation. There is no point in having a great body, but then your mind is a hot mess!
I love this quote by Coco Chanel;
"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different."
Now she may have been speaking from a fashion perspective, but I take it from a life perspective!!! " Think about it. That diversity or difference comes from embracing our individuality and not living under the pressure to be like Beyonce, Rhianna or Kim K. If God wanted us all to look them same, then he would have created us that way!
So on the road to becoming fitter, stronger or slimmer, always remain true to who you really are!!!
Check out the latest video from Blogilates, where Cassey Ho addresses the issue of body shaming.