Well the European Food Safety Authority recommends that women should drink about 1.5 litres of fluid and men should drink about 2 litres of fluid per day. In other words, that works out to be between 8-10 cups per day MINIMUM!!
I highlight the MINIMUM as it is alot more if you regularly workout and to avoid dehydration you really want to increase that to 2.5-3 litres per day!
That is ALOT of trips to the loo (washroom/toilet)!
LOL!! Yes that is totally true and I found drinking more water difficult because of this, especially I have an OCD with using public toilets! Jokes aside, the positive is that the more you go, the more you are getting rid of those unnecessary toxins we carry. I have found that if you gradually build up your water intake, you are less likely to do the "Toilet Dash" every 2 minutes and avoid the whispers of "ooh do you think she might be pregnant?" (mmm hmm, been there and know it well!!)
What colour should my urine be?
Our urine reveals alot about signs of dehydration, kidney function, infections and diabetes. The clearer the better. There are several factors which affect the shade of our urine, but the clearer the better is the key! If your urine looks more of a strong apple juice colour, then try drinking more water! Cloudy or harsh smelling urine are often signs of infection, so if in doubt, please visit your GP to get it checked out.
Am I hungry or dehydrated?
More often than not, we confuse hunger and dehydration signs. So before you reach for those extra cookies or salty savoury snacks, try having a glass of water first and wait 10mins to see how you feel. I have tried and and it DOES work!! Filling up on water is better than filling up on empty calories that does add to your waistline!!
Does flavoured water count?
Ok all fluids count, as they have a "water foundation", BUT go for simple and unadulterated water!! All this "designer water" on the market is just making you spend unnecessarily and just making you drink a sugar filled water solution (just read the labels!!). If you don't like the taste of good old fashioned water, then I would recommend adding your own natural flavour (a slice of lemon, sprig of mint, a slice of cucumber). Keep the temperature as you like it - Hot and Steamy or Classically Cold.
Beauty Secret!
I am sure all the guys and girls would agree that having great skin, an improved immune system and energy boost is a GREAT thing!! So ditch the caffeine rich concoctions and reach for some water!!