So, this week, it's all about cardio. Now there are many ways to get your heart rate up and I wanted to jump in and mention that cardiovascular exercise isn't all about burning calories and losing weight. A good cardio workout is great for giving you that burst of energy and helping to set your mind right for the day. My buggy walks were a lifesaver in my early post-natal period, as I just needed to get out of the house and it really helped to settle my girls to sleep too! Keeping our muscles and joints strong is important at any age, but it really hit home when I overhead one of the ladies leaving my class saying "this is the best class I have been to all week. I feel like I can actually use all my joints!" I almost shed a tear, as this lady is in her eighties...yes I said EIGHTIES! So as you are reading this, I will tell you what I always say in my classes - doing a little bit of something, is better than doing nothing at all.