Its no secret that we are very good at making resolutions at the beginning of the year, but somewhere down the line, we lose focus. Whether it's to get fit, loose weight or to resolve to never make a resolution again, why is it that we find ourselves not meeting the mark? Well here are my top 5 tips for keeping you focused in 2016;
1 Don't look to far ahead - It's great to think big and beyond today, but it sure helps to break up your long term goals into medium and short term, as well. This allows you to be successful at achieving the little things and makes the big picture not so scary!
2.Review what has worked - Using your past successes can help to give you the confidence that you can be successful again.
3.Expect challenges - Our goals need to make room for obstacles as they WILL be there. So it its good to know what they could be and how we can respond to them.
4.Surround yourself with like minds - The only people who can really appreciate what you are undertaking are those who are going through it or have been through it. So don't lose focus by just drifting with the crowds.
5.Change your language - Once you have set your goal, you need to start talking like a winner! I have done the opposite so many times and boy did it take me away from where I wanted to be. Words are so powerful, so let us start using words to build ourselves up !
I am going to be______________ in 2016!!!
Let me know what tips you have for staying focused x