Speaking as a Mum too, I know the great pains that Mother's go through. You go through nine months of preparing your baby for the world. You have the stretch marks, loose skin and stitches to prove it!! You never stop worrying or striving to ensure that you do your best to raise your children in a loving, nurturing environment. You try your best to make it to every school play, class assembly (and make the loudest cheer!!), graduation and reluctantly join in with every parents race at sports day. You take your child to every swimming lesson, dance class or sports club and stay up all night when your child is ill. You feel as much anxiety as your child does when they go into exam hall and you do an even bigger victory dance when they exceed their targets. You never sleep until your teen comes back from their first party or trip with friends without you. You always remind your child to say please,thank you, make your bed, tidy your room, say your prayers and wash your hands!! You are a manager,budget holder, counselor, detective (looking for that missing sock!!), nurse (whether you like it or not!!), chef, super mum - so much more than a "stay at home Mum"!!
Mother's are exceptional women of excellence. You may not get all the thank you's that you truly deserve but know that you are so fearfully and wonderfully made that you were the last thing that God created before He rested! Celebrate the mothers that you know today