We have had an amazing week of sunshine of the last couple of days, so I have had a chance to get out and film the videos for the fitness challenges for the next few weeks!!! This week, I thought I would start off by sharing my Tough Mudder inspired Fitness Challenge. As I am getting reading for the Gauntlet Games this week and the Tough Mums event next week, I thought I would sharing my HIIT workout that I designed to get me ready. I'm not using any equippment, but I am targeting those key muscles needed for obstacles races which involve climbing, crawling, runnning.
Remember, you are in control of how hard you want to make this workout. So whether you are doing an obstacle fun run or not, this is a great work out design to push you to your limits and get the best out of you.
What about modifications?
All the moves CAN be modified, so if you can't do any of the high impact or activities on the floor, you can try the following instead;
1- Power Walk, alternating high knees (without the jump)
2 - Squat and Standing Wall push ups,
3.-Alternating high knees (keep your arms up like you are climbing a rope)
4 - Standing Oblique Crunches (Knees To Elbow)
5 - Standing Wall Push Ups (or use back of the sofa or park bench)
6- Squat and Tip Toe (when you are on your toes reach up to the sky)
7-Walk, Reach and Squat (leave out the jumping into the squat)
I want as many people as possible to give this workout a try, so I challenge you to challenge a friend to join in with you!! Please DO send in your pictures via my Instagram or Twitter account (all @inspiredbyvu), as I'd love to see how you are getting on