vegetables play an important part of fueling our bodies with adequate vitamins and minerals.
So here are my top 4 iron rich veggies, which feature my regular shopping list!
1. Kale - Part of the cabbage family, Kale is a dark leafy green veggie which is high in fibre, iron and filled with powerful antioxidants
2. Sweet potato - I love this root vegetable as it is most definitely easier on my stomach compared to white potatoes and is full of iron and helps to regulate the digestive system due to the high fibre content.
3. Brussels Sprouts - You don't have to wait till Christmas to have these iron rich gems! They even have more vitamin C than oranges!!
4. Broccoli - I like calling them my "little trees"! Again, this vegetable has a high fibre content and contains phyto-nutrients which are compounds which can help to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.
What else would you add to my shopping list?