As I write today's blog, I'm just sitting on a coach heading back to London after participating in the London to Brighton bike ride organised by the British Heart Foundation.
It certainly was a challenging 54miles, but I am glad that I crossed the finish line with no chaffing, cuts, bruises or severe muscle cramps!!
There were many riders who were hydrating themselves with their lucozades, energy gels and even beef burgers!!! (yep, barbecues were blazing all along the route entice the omnivorous ones!!).However what kept be energised was my Banana Datorade!
Don't you mean gatorade?
No, I was right the first time! This particular juice blend was inspired by fellow vegan and vlogger Freelee the banana girl. Now as controversial as she is, she has some great tips for living a raw till 4 lifestyle. When working out, Freelee regularly drinks a juice blend of dates, water, coconut sugar and peppermint drops - aka datorade.
What's the benefits of dates?
Well dates are a great source of dietary fibre which help to keep you fuller for longer. They are perfect for boosting energy levels, as they are a natural form of sugar and also are rich in iron and potassium (which aid recovery)!!
So Banana datorade....
Well I wanted to modify Freelee's recipe as I am not a fan of peppermint drops and I wanted to have the health benefits which come with bananas. Bananas are an excellent source of energy, fibre, folic acid, magnesium(for energy growth and repair), potassium and vitamin A.
I also popped in some cinnamon, as not only does it add to the flavour, but cinnamon is packed full of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, so hopefully that will help to keep the sore muscles at bay.
Freelee inspired Banana Datorade
So the next time you are doing an intense workout, why not give this blend a try!!