So here is a very easy recipe for you.
Easy Pancakes (Makes up to 8)
*DS = Dessert Spoon (no scales needed in this recipe!)
6DS Plain Flour (We used Dove's Farms Gluten Free)
4DS Sugar (Stevia, Fruit Sugar or Agave Nectar)
1tsp No Egg (Orgran natural egg replacer) **
250ml Any non dairy milk
1DS melted non dairy margarine (we used Vitalite)
Spray oil to fry your pancakes (or melted margarine)
1.Whisk all the above ingredients in a whole, eliminating all lumps and bumps (great arm workout too LOL!!)
2. Add some of your spray oil to your frying pan and on a medium heat pour in your pancake batter. It only takes about a minute or so on each side!
3. Serve with whatever fillings you LOVE!!
(** No Egg is optional, as I often make my pancakes without this and they come out exactly the same)
Let me know in the comments below what your favourite pancake filling is!! I have to say, I love steamed apples and cinnamon
Happy Eating
Vusi xXx