I'm so excited about today's bite size move as we are going to be targeting those lower leg muscles so that we all can look fierce in our heels during the holidays (and I LOVE me some heels all year round!!).
Calf Raises are fantastic, as they can pretty much be performed everywhere and anywhere. Now, don't be deceived by how easy it is to perform a calf raise, as its simply lifting your heels of the ground and coming back down. HOWEVER, after a few reps, you will see why I'm calling today's move - Killer Calves!!
How to;
-Stand tall with your shoulders back and abs pulled in and complete the following combo;
-x8 Calf raises (feet together)
-x8 Calf raises (toes together, heels apart)
-x8 Calf raises (heels together, toes apart)
-x8 Calf raises (feet shoulder width apart)
You can rest your hands against a wall or a sturdy object for balance, or if you are unable to stand, try the same moves, but sitting down!!
See how many rounds you can do!!