Why would a vegan blogger be talking about BEEF I hear you cry? Well BEEF actually stands for Balance, Elbow, Eye and Follow through. These four components are key to the perfect Basketball shot. So with all those hints, on with today's Basketball inspired fitness treat!! Don't worry, you don't need to find your nearest court, just a little imagination!
Basketball Jumps
How to;
- Start with your feet shoulder width apart and lower down into a squat position (Balance)
- Visualise your target - i.e. where you want your imaginary ball to go into (Eye)
- The elbow of the shooting arm holding the ball should be straight (Elbow)
- Jump up to release the ball and follow through with the wrist (Follow through)
Now that you know about BEEF, lets time this activity and see how many jump shots we can do in 1 minute. For those that want to challenge your self, keep going until your body tells you to stop!